Coordinator, Inquiring Minds, Toronto Mensa
Coordinator, Inquiring Minds (speaker series and events), Toronto chapter of Mensa Canada December 2016 – present
Mensa Canada has three objectives: 1) to encourage research on intelligence, 2) to provide intellectual stimulation for its members, and 3) to provide a social network for its members.
Inquiring Minds is a program in Toronto that focuses on the 2nd and 3rd objectives of Mensa.
As Coordinator, I am responsible for identifying topics and speakers and/or creating special events on an intellectual theme. My secondary aim is to offer a wide variety in the subject-matter, to attract a broad base of Mensans, including those who rarely if ever attend announced events.
Inquiring Minds’ speakers cover a wide range of specialty areas; some of the past talks are summarized here:
Before the pandemic came along, I had generated some Inquiring Minds events, some of which are summarized here: